Monday, March 16, 2009

Perfect Words Perfect Timing

When checking in on my Favorite Bartender I found this:

Just for My Flower that I miss so much.

*Heavy Sigh*
Another St. Patty's day is coming up and I have no flower here to help me drink my whiskey soup.
And just because you asked my flower, my week hasn't gotten much better.
I'm chalking it up to PMS.
I feel irritable and restless.
I have the attention span of a flea.
Maybe I'll go clean something.

(I'm the Flower) anyway this blogged hug came at the perfect time. A few hours after I read this I was due at the dental clinic. Now, not having insurance and having to rely on a dental clinic made me a bit apprehensive. This was to be my second visit and I was having to go because I lost a big crown and filling that cost me 2 Grand 4 years ago at the "Dental Spa" in Laguna Hills.
well since all they really do at the clinic is clean teeth do amalgam fillings and pull teeth My options were very limited. So I increased my "Hic Potential" by one and decided to have it pulled. Grrrrrrr....

The Clinic is at the local college and is actually really nice. The instructor that came over before the procedure was extremely funny and that made everything better. I asked what I should expect and she said "It's really not a big deal" "It's a big deal to you because you don't know the procedure, but trust me it's not a big deal"

"First the Dr. will check and make sure your are numbed up really good and he'll probably give you a few more shots just in case (Which he did) Then he has a tool that looks like a FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER and he will get up under the tooth and yank it out. You'll feel a lot of pressure but no pain"

Ummmm maybe you shouldn't of told me that!

So all during the process the Dr. was grabbing and twisting and turning. I had my eyes closed, for a moment I could swear he kicked off his shoes and crawled up in the chair had his foot on my chin for leverage, but I'm sure that didn't happen.

So I'm feeling
A lot of pressure A LOT of pressure so I go to my "happy place" WHISKEY SOUP!

While I'm feeling all this pressure and he keeps calling out for different tools
My brain keeps repeating the same Mantra
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Soup
and I remember back to the time when I first went over to my favorite flowers house for St. Patricks Dinner (Before I had to work a graveyard shift) and well, the whiskey didn't exactly burn off in the cooking process so I was a bit tipsy and had to sober up before going to work.
More Pressure More Pressure MORE PRESSURE!!!

DAMN Maybe the tooth just wants to stay where it is!

My Brain takes over and comes back to the Mantra
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Shots! Whiskey Shots! Whiskey Shots!

Okay tooth, you can let go now, you've been hanging around for 46 years and chewed on a heck of a lot, maybe it's time to retire.
"Let go tooth"
Just let go tooth...
and with a pop it was out.
Doc. Shoved some padding in my mouth and had me sit up
I waved him closer to me
and he says "what"
I finally get him close and I say with a very numb mouth.
"jew shaf jer head"...

He seems confused and I rub his head he turns bright red and says nobody has ever done that to my shaf hed before.

Just an average day at the dentist office.

Thanks for the memories Flower... I miss you so much.

I think I skip the soup and go straight for the Jameson tonight!


Anonymous said...

awww lol you made his day. good for you, for going through with the dentist visit.

Maeve said...

I hope you are feeling better!
Every time I make that soup I think of my first try at making it.
Gawd that was funny at the dinner table.
Miss you!