Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Proof I Belong in Wyoming

There is no doubt that things are a bit different here than they are beach side in The "O.C."
but I never thought hiccups could be different.

Let's think about this, it's actually very obvious.


[hik-uhp, -uhp] noun, verb, -cuped or -cupped, -cup⋅ing or -cup⋅ping. –noun
1. a quick, involuntary inhalation that follows a spasm of the diaphragm and is suddenly checked by closure of the glottis, producing a short, relatively sharp sound.
2. Usually, hiccups. the condition of having such spasms: She got the hiccups just as she began to speak.

The first part of Hiccup is HIC The only Hics in the "O.C." are ummm TOURISTS!
Hiccups in the "O.C" can sometimes sound funny or cute. Not so lucky here in Podunk USA

I have now discovered that a Hiccup here is Hic Town is completely different. Just for the sake of this story let's say that the tooth I had pulled last week was a front tooth and not a back side tooth (Are you getting the visual?) Now think of a cute hiccup, one of yours or one as defined above. Now ad a burp to it. Yes I said a burp! It seems that now, I no longer can just hiccup its more of a Hiccurp.
Just for vanity sake let's try and solve the problem. I can try and keep my mouth closed for the burping part of the hiccup but now imagine the last time someone "blew a burp at you"

So 20 years from now when I'm much older and have lost more teeth (let's say every other one in front) and I'm not "partial to keeping my partials in" I will be sitting around and all of a sudden I'll get the Hiccurps but I'll try and hide it from those I'm sitting close to so... They'll hear me chirp with maybe a little hop in my seat (as standard hiccups cause you to do) BUT THEN....
no longer being able to hold the Urp part of the process in, the air slowly leaks out of my mouth through my remaining teeth to greet those closest to me. What a lovely thought!


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