Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sometimes I miss my sanity

So yesterday, "talent" decides she's hungry and needs to go get something to eat from the local burger chain. Very nicely she inquires if I'm hungry. I actually am but I'm not to fond of the food chain out here. I loved in in California but it just does not translate out here. I give in.... I'M HUNGRY! So I go grab some money and "talent" says "nope it's on me" WOW! What a nice surprise! I write down my order and she says "Have you ever seen the woman that works there that has a beard?" I said no, "I've only been there once and the woman had overalls and was having a really bad hair day."

Talent says "Hmm I wonder if this is the same woman. The woman I'm talking about has a really really smelly crotch"

Moral of the story... It may be free, but wow, it's gonna cost you one way or another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


ok. so I'm going to hell, but thanks for the laffs LMAO