Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Remembering Great Pussy

Raise a glass to the heavens today and remember that special pet that brought you so much comfort and happiness. Today is the anniversary of the loss of two incredible furry forces.

Lost 5 years ago today to a Coyote - A Precious Poly dactyl "Princess". Toezer shared 12 wonderful years with my BFFF Flower's Family who loved her dearly.

Bubba Howard Lost 6 years ago today to Congestive heart failure at the all too young age of 9
Bubba was a very handsome 17lb grey and white cat born from a very petite size zero Siamese named Pookie.
He grew into a very large Mommas Boy who loved to lay in the sun cuddling his sister "Nikki the Cat" He also seemed to get an unusual pleasure staring at himself in the mirror after being shaved naked for the summer.
After he passed and still to this day I occasionally feel Paws "Kneading" the blankets when no cat is there.

I am truly surrounded by furry love.

Till we meet again...

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