Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So Yesterday was my 1st full day without coffee. I needed something to chew (My french press made really strong coffee) and the carrot/orange/ginger juice I made at home just was not satiating enough soooo I decided that I needed some BACON! I walked from work to a local diner for some cheap pancakes and eggs and bacon.
When I walked in I noticed an older man was sitting in a small area (kinda like a tiny mudroom) inside the main door to the restaurant but separated by another door to the dining area. I chatted with him a bit, he was a character he told me he'd be 93 on his next birthday and he lost his wife 12 years ago...
I said "So you got a girlfriend"
He said "Maybe after my next birthday" the girls his age are a bit ruff around the edges.
Me "You are sooo cute"
Him " Huh"
He told me he was hard of hearing so I repeated myself.
Me: "I said you are sooo cute"
Him: "HUH"

Ummm it was at that I realized everyone in the restaurant could hear me.

Sometimes you don't need coffee to get your day started :0)


Anonymous said...

Is it bad of me that I envisioned you giving him a lapdance to really give those people a show? LMAO

The Secret Believer said...

OMG! ROFLMAO Poor People Paid for a breakfast that they'll be seeing again reeeeaaal soon! :0)

Maeve said...