Thursday, January 15, 2009

Havin Fun in the Kitchen

Had a wonderful time in the kitchen last weekend. I wanted some PANCAKES! I ran out of butter so I made my own, out of a pint of heavy cream I ended up with 1 cup butter and I cup buttermilk, the exact amount I needed for my pancake mix. Now I didn't have any syrup and pancakes with just butter can be a bit boring soooo... I had some Pippin apples I chopped those up and added a little cinnamon and sugar stuck those in the oven (next time I'll start earlier and use the crock pot more syrupy that way) and as I was playing around in the kitchen imaging the final result-a beautiful stack of hotcakes with fresh homemade butter and covered in cinnamon apples I decided to "pimp my pancakes" lol I had some more heavy cream and I made some fresh whipped cream to top off my masterpiece munchables.... I was in love.... I wanted to Marry those pancakes, damn those were good! Might just have to do that again this weekend!

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