Friday, June 22, 2007


I spent an hour this morning talking with 4 CS reps from WAMU who really don't like their jobs. It was like talking with robots. I finally wore out their batteries and won the right to speak with a Mgr. Problem resolved.
I decided it was much to hot to stay inside about 90F so I ventured out to seek refuge in an air-conditioned car. Off to Walmart or Sams or Super Kmart to buy some basic essentials (dishes, broom, mop all the fun stuff) As always I met some great people, a nice guy in the TV department told me where to watch for tornadoes and other fun stuff. He moved to Wyoming from Denver. The woman at the check out asked me "Watcha gonna put up"? I said "excuse me" she pointed to my canning jars and said "Watcha gonna put up?" I giggled and exclaimed
"I jest moooved here from Californnnia and I'm gonna jar up everything!"(She moved here from Hawaii) Although I'm not ready to jar up everything I will be making up some homemade Organic Raspberry/Strawberry Syrup for pancakes and stickin it in the fridge.

I made it home just in time for great Thunderstorm. The clouds were awesome. The temp stayed around 80F during the thunderstorm and within min. dropped to 65F around 4pm!

I'm Home Baby!

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