Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pussy Cat Power

The kitties are starting to settle in. Nikki the Cat has found a new power, She is full of static electricity! When not walking around flaking off her dry skin. She will walk up to Ronald the cat who is sleeping soundly and just touch him with her electric paws. Very amusing to everyone except Ronald the Cat.

Today I spent 5 hours driving around Fort Collins looking for a Washington Mutual. The clerk at the banl moved to FC from Redondo Beach last year and a guy a Whole Foods in FC used to go surfing in Dana Point. It's small world and it looks like were all movin to the same place.

It was frickin hot today. By frickin i mean it was sooooooo hot I purposely lost WAMU so I could drive around for 5 hours in a very air-conditioned rental car. heh heh heh

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