Saturday, June 23, 2007

It's Saturday Night in Cheyenne Wyoming Whooo Hooo!
I'm sitting at home watching PBR hoping my nose doesn't fall off. All the dry air and wind has done a job on my nose and skin, time to "Butta Up" by the way the saline works great Thanks Mom!
Not much accomplished today, I did make my homemade syrup for my pancakes this morning turned out very nice now that i know i can actually get fresh organic fruit here I will switch over to fresh fruit on my pancakes and freeze it for the winter months. That'll be a bit healthier than sugar coma syrup.
Can't wait till winter when I'm more settled and actually might have furniture. It will be my first winter living/working in snow. I will be freezing my ass off and doing ALOT of Crock-Pot Cookin!

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