Sunday, June 24, 2007

DVR and Thunderstorms

I have to give the DVR credit, during one of the many thunderstorms of the day the power went out. The result was 6 recordings of the same movie in bits and pieces 17min 32min 1 min 1min 1min 1min lol Maybe it just got bored with the movie and couldn't pay attention.

The thunderstorm of the moment calls for "Rainfall to a tenth of and inch...marble size hail and wind gusts to 50 mph can be expected."

Ronald the Cat has found his own Tornado shelter which he chose to use in yesterdays thunderstorm. He's actually under the sink in the second drawer.

He has gotten much braver in the last 24 hours. He was spotted stretched out on his back on the livingroom floor letting the wind blow at his belly fur during this mornings thunderstorm.