Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Where can I get a gift certificate for Mountain Dew?

No doubt with the sun comes growth. Pretty deep eh? Well, that's all ya get.

This morning was beautiful, following last nights bright orange sunset (It lit up the livingroom so much I came out of the bedroom to see what was on fire lol.

This was the song playing on the bus as I got on this morning. Hopefully "all ya all" having tough times will take some time and see the sun in your life. (die hard optimist)

For example. If I was having a bad day I would think of my buddy in Cali Lewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwie he hates Wyoming, never has nothing to say nice about this beautiful baron state. But as we speak, the good people of Worland, Wyoming are stirring up a big ole batch of beet sugar to go into his favorite beverage "Mountain Dew" So, Lewie my pal who I miss so much. Go pop a top and suck on a bit of Wyoming!

That brings a smile to MY face!

Here Comes The Sun - Paul Simon and George Harrison

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always try... lol.