Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Keyword Searches

I'm easily amused. Here are a few searches for Martina McBride's Song "Independence Day" It seems to be very popular, so I'm including a link at the bottom

let freedom ring let the white dog sing
let freedom ring, let the white girl sing?
let freedom ring let the wind up sing
let freedom ring and white horse sing

lady gets eaten alive by worm - I would include pictures for the searcher, but my precious Canadian Claudia is not feeling well and I'm refusing on that point.

secret of beaver - Guys, Girls, whatever... the secret of beaver is to be a good person and to take a shower... then you'll get some DUH!

videos de ronald kitty- Apparently the searcher had heard of the possibility of RTC wanting to cross the border to further his film career. Well, the Swine Flu is keeping kitty at home for now.

Independence Day - Martina McBride

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