Monday, April 6, 2009

To answer your question...


No new computer, I just try to update when I can at work when I take a break. Today the Boss walked in my office just as I was Googling "Squirrel Humping" Images.
This would explain why I have not been posting much or regularly. I'm currently working an intense schedule of 8-4pm Mon- Wednesday with only 4 days off per week.

My time off is spent in Therapy.... Physical Therapy for my leg and ankle (wind pushed me down a hill)

I also like getting in strangers cars during blizzards only later to get sideswiped in an intersection during the Blizzard we had 2 weeks ago. (Everyone came out shaken not stirred with no actual bloodletting but both cars were totaled) I spent the following days feeling really really lucky!

This weekend was spent hunkered down with kitties watching yet another Blizzard. This latest one lasted a full 24 hours and left a foot of snow and 6-8 ft drifts. Last April we had NO snow at all.

Today is beyond beautiful with the temp up to 37 degrees! YEAH!!! No winter coats!!!

So maybe you wondered why I chose to post this picture. Well... squirrels don't mate unless there is an adequate food source and since they (the squirrels in our backyard at work) are fed Organically (Apples, Mango's Bananas) and at least 5 lbs of nuts each week, it's safe to say there will be plenty of babies around this spring.

P.S I was outside at work today and was thoroughly amused at a Storm drain that had frozen over (I truely am easily amused) It was not until I looked up at the roof line and saw 2 squirrels
humping madly and looking at me.

I think that just might be "squirrel sign language" for Thanks for the Power Food!

Is that "Barberrra" enough for you Lewwwwwwwwwie?

Mississippi Squirrel Revival - Ray Stevens


Maeve said...

Goddess how I miss you.

Lewis Wright said...

Sooooo, your new hobby is watching squirrels hump while falling down a hill, just before getting T-boned?

I knew Irvine was slow but I have a whole new appreciation. Yesterday it was 79. It will probably only get to about 70 today. Boring, boring, boring.

Although, I will let you in on a secret. My cat does very naughty things to the stuffed rhino animal.

The Secret Believer said...

PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES!!! If I can Post Beaver Pics You can post Cow on rhino pics!

Irvine Slow... HA!

Wait, If Irvine is slow that must mean that Cheyoming is Constipated/Impacted!