Monday, April 27, 2009

Funny Mommy

No doubt Cheyoming has it's wacky weather. Thursday was suppose to be up in the 70's and I could of sworn when I flipped on the weather channel when I woke up it showed 50 degrees with some light wind. That was at 6am. At 9am I flip back over to the weather channel and it reads 18 degree wind chill and 100% humidity. Weather channel never gets the actual temp that wrong so I waited another 10 min. for the update and it read the same thing! So I decide to go investigate. I only have a long T-Shirt on so I just went on to the balcony. It was beautiful outside! A little cool but certainly not raining like the humidity would imply.
When all else fails CALL THE MOMMY! I needed an explaination!
Had this normally low humidity high wind state turned my epidermis into a gator and I just was not feeling the cold? NOPE

So Mom, what's up why does my ever so faithful weather channel say 100% humidity...

Mom: " One of your Hicks spit on the Radar"

Thanks Mom!

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