Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Scary Lady

About 10 days after I injured my foot. I decided it was safer that I do not use my crutches. My neighbor took me to the grocery store and I was getting some pictures printed for a craft project I figured would keep me busy and off my feet for my long weekend.
As I'm at the computer at King Soopers picking out my pictures an older woman walks up to me and says. "I'm not criticizing, but..." I smile and think "Oh lovely someone else that is trying to save me and tell me "You're so pretty, why don't you lose weight" Oh Yes that happens, more then it needs to. (And it's always overweight people that tell me that WTF?)
anyway... I'm leaning up against the counter because of my leg and she grabs my arm and pulls me in close to her. My hand is literally on her bulbous right breast and I try to pull back and she just pulls me back in.... Apparently what she had to say was very very important.

It seems that she has a daughter that weighs 400 lbs (ummm, I'm skinny compared to that) anyway her daughter who is 50 years old went to the Dr. to get tested for "10 different diseases"
bla bla bla and the Doctors could never find out what was wrong with her, well after listening to this woman for a good 10 min. She said "you know it turns out my daughter wasn't fat at all, she just could'nt PEE" so now she goes in every month and they drain a gallon of fluid out of her...

I look at her and say...

"Did you come here to tell me to PEE?"

Thank You... I really have to go now...

I hobbled out without my groceries or going pee.

It took a year and half to find where crazy lives in Wyoming. But I'm fairly sure I found her.

I've peed alot since this woman approached me and I'm none the skinnier.

I guess I just need to try harder!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG thats some serious case of crazy, lol