Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I've Lost it.

Granted life here in Podunk USA is very different than the rat race in Southern California.
Short of the crappy work ethic alot of people have out here it's pretty great place to live.

Some days at work it's like pulling teeth to get people to commit to running a $12.00 ad. I'm paid a base salary w/no commission (as of yet) and in today's meeting the boss offered $125.00
"lunch money" if either one of us sold 3 pkgs of advertising at the cost of $649.00 each.

Well I managed to sell the $1947.00 and my first thought was.

"Cool" I can buy 2- 50 lb sacks of peanuts for my squirrels out back.

So, I guess it's true. I am paid peanuts for doing this all day long :0)

P.S. The squirrels deserve it. They work harder than most anybody here in Podunk USA

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