Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Universe has spoken

Yesterday Morning I got on the early bus at 6am pitch dark temp 1 degree with 30mph winds.
I did this because I was out of my favorite organic coffee. I stood in line after getting apples and nuts for the squirrels thinking how nice it will be to get to work and enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee out of my french press. (I bring it to work in my backpack on Mondays and bring it back home when my 3 day work week is over on Wednesdays.

I got on the next bus at 7:15 and the bus driver started chatting me up and I started talking about coffee. It was then I remembered I BOUGHT EVERYTHING BUT COFFEE!!!! Grrrrrrrrr
Now I'm going to have to go to the Coffee Shop/Bookstore near the bus transfer station and pay $4.00 for my espresso shots Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

The day goes well (with the espresso monkey calmed) and as I'm about to leave to catch the bus home I realized I never took my french press out of my backpack. There was no need to drag it back home so I went to take it out before I left and all that came out was a handle and a big shard of glass.... THE UNIVERSE HAS SPOKEN...



Anonymous said...

Oh no.. don't ditch your friend that easily!

The Secret Believer said...

Today is day 2 I find myself wanting to replace coffee with odd things like .... BREAKFAST lol that was never needed before. It'll be interesting to see how long I can last without my love :0(

Anonymous said...

You're a stronger woman than I. I'd have gone out to buy another tout de suite!