Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Let freedom ring, Let the white dove sing...

This is MY State Capital! :0)
Now in order to get a good shot I knew I would have to brave holiday traffic and get in the middle of the street and take this picture. Instead of waiting I just jumped out and hoped all the town folk and tourists would forgive me...
Can you here the crickets chirping?

I have to be honest with you, we do have traffic here....
Dang Ol' Sheriffs Dept. is causing this backup.
No doubt they are enroute Code 3? to the Ice Cream Social at the goveners mansion.
And what would an Ice Cream Social be without the town Troubadour!
Soooooo Msssss. Buttwidth does this make me Fat Lorelai?
Gotta Go! My Ride is here! After I took a horse and carriage ride, I chatted it up with a few of the locals and they suggested that I stop by the park for some symphony music. I went home and fixed myself a wonderful 7/4/7 lunch/dinner Steak Taco's and Salad. I was soooo fulll I did not want to go back out.

There was another function I wanted to attend at 6pm but ran a little late because my neighbor who I now know as Lucille drove up. It started to rain hard (odd for here) so we both said our goodbyes and I got back on the road.

On the way I did see that there was what appeared to be a 4 car accident on the main drag up ahead. I saw 2 vehicles with red lights but no police cars. Sadly it turned out that one of Wyomings Best was hit by a car ( A Dog) when I drove by they had the dog wrapped in a silver hiking blanket and had him on a stretcher (the old kind with handles not wheels) and were putting him in the back of the animal control truck. It's nice to see that Wyoming cares that much about their Dawgs. God Speed Dawggy!

Sooooo what to do after that depressing vision.... CHASE A THUNDERSTORM!!! I know this cloud could've been a Tornado if it would of tried just a bit harder.
I ended up driving 20 or so miles out of town and took about 800 pics but no good lightning pics. I did see this great shack by the road. When I came home there was big puddles of standing water all over the place (very unusual for Cheyoming)And my final pic of the night was this wonderful sight.
Good Night! I've had a busy day. Hope you all had a
WONDERFUL 4th of July!

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