Tuesday, July 3, 2007

What it feels like

This is not a picture I took, as a matter of fact this is actually Upton, Wyoming. I'm posting this pic because this is what Cheyenne, Wyoming felt like today. I woke up with the sun shining into the bedroom and I really wasn't looking forward to another unusually hot day. By 10am the back rooms were already uncomfortable warm. A strong wind blew in, and stayed. (35 mph for most of the day) I decided it was time to forget about doing laundry, grab a book and head out to the balcony to enjoy nature. The wind was a perfect 75 degrees and the clouds where big and fluffy and the air was soooo clean.
You can drive 5 miles in any direction and turn down a side road and find yourself an empty field or maybe one with a Bull or a Camel. LIFE IS GOOD and PEACEFUL!

-->The book was "A New Family Encyclopedia" Published1836
171 Years Ago

Here's what I learned about Ketchup!

"KETCHUP is a sauce which derives its name, it is said from a Japanese word kit jap. It is made, or ought to be made,from the juice
of THE MUSHROOM Wild mushrooms from old pastures, are generally, considered as more delicate in flavor, and more tender in flesh, than those raised in artificial beds".

Today's 1836 cure is: Astringent balls for Diabetes or "pissing evil"
1/2 ounce of Catechu (Japan Earth)
1/2 dracchm powderd alum
10 grains of sugar of lead
Conserve of roses to make a ball.

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