Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I hear it loud and clear several times a day. At night I look up to see an equally surprised NTC (Nikki the Cat). This is not normal, it started somewhere in Utah and continues today. It was time to get on the internet and investigate. This is what I found:

High-Altitude Flatus Expulsion (HAFE)
From Wilderness Medicine by Paul Auerbach "High Altitude Flatus Expulsion (HAFE) is the unwelcome spontaneous passage of colonic gas at altitudes of greater than 3000 ft The mechanism has been posiulated to relate to the expansion of intraluminal bowel gas at the decreased atmospheric pressure at altitude.
It may become an embarrassment but is of no true medical concern. Avoid foods such as chili and beans that are known to induce flatulence at low altitudes, and show consideration for other members of the party in sleeping arrangements. From Medicine For the Outdoors by Paul S. Auerbach, M.D. © 1999 by Paul S. Auerbach, M.D.; electronic rights

*** UPDATE *** The cats are no longer eating "chili con catfood" and are sleeping in the 2nd bedroom. Good thing they don't have any job interviews this week.

I found this on the Summit Post- How high altitude climbers handle this problem.

Dave Daly wrote:
... make a fun game out of it. We do! I tried that once. We were playing fart baseball--each one you rip off counts as a base hit. Four in a row and you've earned a run. Anyone else rips one off, and you're out (and they're now trying for four in a row). What stopped me from playing? I hit a foul ball. Don't even ask. It was the first day on the trail of a ten day hike. Fortunately, I brought three sets of drawers along! --mark d.

I really hope the cats don't read that post!


Anonymous said...

Holy crow. That is NOT a real phenom... is it? off to google!

sorry about giving you the itchies ;) i shall of course pop in, thanks!

The Secret Believer said...

Claudia- Let's just say I'm really glad I waited 6 weeks after my arrival to start my new job.

It wouldn't be natural to carry THAT MANY balloons around with me