Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stating the Obvious

Although I was only in Calif. for a short 36 hours and couldn't see everybody I did get to see my FLOWER & the flower in-laws. It was great catching up with everybody but it was just too short!
If I could change anything...
  1. Hindsight is 20/20 next time I wont drink ALOT in front of someone who is having difficulty with a loved one that has issues with alcohol.
  2. I would of been there alot longer. I think I was awake and present for 5 hours the rest of the time was spent in the Doctors office or sleeping.
  3. Being there longer would afford me the time to see family and more friends.
  4. Next time I'll come for a week and see an Melissa Etheridge Concert. How much trouble can I get into doing that....

1 comment:

Maeve said...

I KNOW how much trouble you can get in at one of those concerts!!