Saturday, June 20, 2009

View from the Balcony

This is a storm 14 miles North of Cheyoming. I didn't even have to sit on the balcony it lit up the livingroom and kitchen with it's dueling lightning flashes.


Maeve said...

Just stunning.

Lewis Wright said...

Did you take those photos?

The Secret Believer said...

Lewwwwwwies Back!!! Yeah!!!!!! I thought you referring to my breathtaking pic of the green beans wrapped in bacon :0) But yes, I did take the pics of the lightning seen above. It's crazy out here with all the lighting now 2 nights ago it was 3 hours straight of constant flashes, lit up my bedroom to 1 a.m.

Lewis Wright said...

If you're into the color green I'll have some photos to share also. Lots and lots of green.

The Secret Believer said...

Hey There Lewie! So Glad YOU HAVE GONE GREEN LOL!

I'd love to see your pics of your new state! Lead the way!