Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Funny Beaver

Now I have to admit I have many moments where I enjoy being sneaky and pulling off a prank or two. My first memory is when we (the kids) I think mostly my brother and I would stick a lifelike plastic spider in the coffee cups up in the cupboard that Mom would use for the coffee in the morning. Mom has a blood curdling scream and somehow freaking Mommy out when your young is funny. (Sorry Mom)

Well I grew up? and eventually went to work at Experian where I met Lewwwwwwwwie, fun guy that Lewwwwwwie such a strong man having to put up with me and my stories that never seemed to have a point. I would pull the usual pranks on Lewwwwwwwwwie and one in particular I'm fairly sure he never knew about, but I loved to do it. (I'll eventually get to the point)

I would go grocery shopping alot on my lunch break to a local Organic food store close buy and buy a bunch of healthy goodies which he teased me about frequently. I would often stack some of those goodies on the short wall that separated our cubicles (we had the only ones built wrong that forced us to sit in a way that we were always looking at each other. Anyway... some days I would build a wall of tangerines or just plop a big ole ginger root up there. One day I went shopping and brought back a bunch of Peruvian Purple fingerling potatoes (The look like cat poop)
and put them up on our shared wall. I wonder to this day if Lewie knew that I would wait for him to leave everyday and I would put one of those poop potatoes on his chair or on the floor next to his chair. Why? because we had cleaners come in every night to vacuum and clean. I'm fairly sure they still to this day believe someone or some thing likes to poop around Lewwwwwwwwwies desk.

Would you pick it up with your bare hands hoping in was a Purple Peruvian Fingerling Potato and not Poop... I don't think so...

So Barbara, was that the point? ummmm Noooooo, Hang in there

When Karma Attacks:

What I'm about to tell you may be the Karmic reaction to the jokes I've played on others or maybe I just have a cat with a really really funny sense of humor.

The backstory babble (I'll try to keep it short)

Beaver the 20lb Himalayan (Shelter Save) poops in her litter box and sometimes feels compelled to use the carpet as toilet paper (bad kitty) sooooooo for the last year she has been with me I have gotten in the habit of turning on the faucet (warm water) grabbing some toilet paper and wiping her bum after each visit to the sand box. (She thoroughly enjoys the fresh feeling this gives her) and runs to me whenever she hears a faucet turn on. Because of this "Special Need" she has a roll of toilet paper that sits on the bathroom floor near one of her 2 litter boxes.

I woke up last Thursday morning and walked into the bathroom and saw that she had left a "deposit" in 1 of her litter boxes (about 5 feet away from the toilet paper roll) I turned on the bathtub faucet to warm (she came running) and I went to grab for the toilet paper roll.

To my disgust and surprise and AMAZEMENT I found out that some time during the night she had physically SAT on the toilet paper roll and cleanly deposited an offering on the inside of the toilet paper tube. You have to understand how perfectly she completed this act. There was no poop on the outside or on top or even on the floor when I picked up the roll it had all stuck to the inside of the tube and that's exactly where my fingers landed when I grabbed the roll.

Folks let me tell ya.... even at 5:30 in the morning I could tell, that was not purple peruvian potato that was covering my fingers eeeeeeeewwwwww.

I have spent the last 4 days looking at the Beaver and asking her "How the hell did you do that!"

I think I saw her smirk at me.

She has my undying comedic respect.

Don't Mess with the Beaver!

Hmmm Maybe I should show her this video...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...