Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Waiting For Crazy

The other day I was in the Property Mgr's Office after turning in some requested paperwork I sat down in a nice comfy chair in the sun, happy as a fat cat nappin. I sat there with my eyes closed baking in the sun listening to all that was happening in the office. (It's a small office and I'm buddies with everyone on the property)
As I was relaxing I overheard a call that the PM's daughter took it seems that a lady in the building next to mine was afraid she was going to explode. She had woken up in the middle of the night and smelled gas, she was so afraid that she sat there and did nothing until she called the office 12 hours later and kept the porr PM's daughter on the phone for 30 min. She also demanded a pink sticker for her daughters car so her daughter could park in her parking space. (We don't use parking stickers).

Moments later the PM came in complaining under her breath about having to move a tennant to another building. It seems that this tennants downstairs neighbor has been spying on her and watching her take a shower everyday, and now she is forced to take a shower in the dark.
I asked how that is possible since we have no windows in the bathroom and it was explained to me that her downstairs neighbor can see through the ceiling... the cement ceiling.

I asked one of the people present how old these two tennants are and both were in there Mid to late 40's. Hmmmmm so I guess my question is...
Does crazy come to us or do we go to crazy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well. I have always told my girls "When I'm old and crotchety and weird, have patience with me."

I don't know how I came to that, just seen alot of ELDERLY weirdos I guess.

Now the 40 year old ones? Have no clue.