Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Perfect Timing

This morning I was getting ready to go work, the cat's were fed I was dressed and the litter box usually by this time has an offering in it that needs to be removed.
As luck would have it Beaver hopped in there just as I was in the bathroom. (Her box is in the Laundry Room across from the bathroom)

Why is this perfect timing? Because Beaver is a Butt Dragger, my carpet is her toilet paper grrrrrrrrr.

This morning all I had to do is let her concentrate, finish her business and then turn the water on in the tub. Beaver knows if there is water running anywhere in the house after she poos she just follows the sound to get her but wiped.

20 years ago if you had told me I would be living in Wyoming and wiping a 20lb cats ass and then blogging it, I probably would of said... "Damn I really should of stayed in College! LMAO

Happy and Hygienic in Cheyoming!


Anonymous said...

You do what you gotta do, lol

The Secret Believer said...

Right now there is a cat thinking "Wow I've got a great Mom and look, no crusties on my pretty hairy ass"

That's payment enough