Monday, January 26, 2009

When Wind Attacks


Remember I had a great idea about shooting some espresso shots Saturday before last?
Well, apparently the Universe decided I really didn't need that coffee. That saturday was a beautiful day here close to 60 degrees and really windy. AWESOME!!!
I go to  catch the short bus downtown and as I'm walking through the complex a big gust of wind came up and goosed me in the rear-end. Now when this happens it usually tickles and makes me laugh out loud. This time I just happened to be walking down a short but steep hill I got goosed and it tossed me down the hill landing on my leg.

No coffee - but a trip to the E.R. and some torn ligaments in leg and foot started and finished my day.

For the most part when people see me gimping along on crutches I tell them what really happened. I have now decided this is my new response.

Complete Stranger - "Oh No what happened to your leg"?

Me- "Bullriding..."

Complete Stranger - "OMG" No Way!!

Me- "Yep, I thought it was a cow"

That seems to get more laughs than being attacked by Wyoming Wind.

1 comment:

Maeve said...

I like that explanation better too.