Monday, November 10, 2008

"Let me just take you out to lunch"

A gentleman? that I happen to come across the other day, was showing interest in me and insisted on taking me out to lunch. Because he is in a position to advertise with us(meaning I would be doing business with him) I told him that it would be inappropriate to go out to lunch with him. He continued and continued to try and get me to go out to lunch with him. The follow-up phone call went like this.... "(I'll just give you the highlights)

Him- How old are you?
Me- How old do you think I am?
Him- Early 30's
Me- 46
Him- Wow! I must not have gotten a good look at you!
Me- Laugh
He then goes on to tell me that he is married and has 2 children and there is just something missing in his life.
Me- So... what do you want from me a date? Sex?
Him- No not a date, and it doesn't have to be sex, a B.J. will do.
Me- You're married and have 2 children, how old are they?
Him 14 & 16
Me- Let me guess, you're leaving your wife but not until your youngest is 18
Him- NO WAY. I'll never leave my wife but if the B.J. is good enough I'll tell you that I'm going to.
Me thinking- WOW you are an asshole!

So... Mr. "Something is missing"
Everything you are "missing" is in your marriage. You are just far to stupid to find it.
Now go home and bring your wife a dozen roses.... because you appreciate her? No, I doubt that you do. Bring her flowers to apologize and feel sorry that she is married to you!

The man that shares my bed has far more integrity in his dewclaw than the boner head above could ever hope to have.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed this, my net is spotty.. so I came back to re read...

He must be from the Drive, LOL. TONS of jerks around here too.
