Wednesday, September 17, 2008


You Are 4% Spoiled

You are definitely not spoiled. You've worked hard for what you have.

Down to earth and grounded, you don't need a lot to make you happy.

I've now been here for exactly 15 months. My furniture still consists of 1 beach chair and a blow-up Coleman mattress. Although I have spoiled myself with some beautiful fluffy white comforters last winter... Note to self next time buy those little comforter covers....
Spilled root beer stains and cat hairball expulsions have given these once BEAUTIFUL comforters a "special look"

Actually,anymore I feel like Grocery shopping and paying 19.00 for an Organic Chicken
is spoiling myself.

1 comment:

The Secret Believer said...

Whoops! The RTC (Ronald the cat) reminded me we have a hand me down couch from the neighbor... I call it a catscratcher lol

Happy is Happy no furniture required