Sunday, July 1, 2007

Real Friends, Fake Cheese & Great Pussy!

Last night was my first "real" outing in Cheyenne. On "Flowers" request yhat I have a drink on her when I land in my new home...I went to a Scotch tasting at the Historic Plains Hotel which was part of the Cheyenne Celtic Musical Arts Festival.
Here's a Pic of my drinking buddies

Now prior to last night, I would of been happy hanging out with "Flower" drinking a Jack and Coke or several bottles of wine (depending on what was going on in our lives) and toasting to Real Friends, Fake Cheese (that gooey stuff that comes in a jar and tastes oooooo so good when you are drunk OR sober and great Pussy (Bubba Kitty R.I.P You were one great cat)

Last nights event was presented and attended by people who spend alot of time traveling to Scotland in search of the great scotch whiskys (btw) there is no E in whiskey's created in Scotland.

This is my review-

The Rusty Nail Cocktail- EXCELLENT!

The 12 year old Bunnahadhain - Got intoxicated just by "properly" smelling it. It was a lip burner

The 18 year old Bunnahadhain - It was rather warm in the meeting room. It got ALOT warmer after this drink. Silly jokes and uncontrollable laughter/snorting began.

Bowmore- 12yr old Tastes just like I licked a campfire (and not in a good way)
Bowmore Darkest- It's a long campin trip and all you have to eat is CAMPFIRE!

Laphroaig 10 yr old- Very medicinal Good for open sores and gun shots.
Laphroaig Quarter Cask- Handed this one off to someone who could appreciate it more than I. My drinking buddy did have me try some of his with a little added twist. He put peat in the Scotch. (Dirt, he put dirt in it) And it tasted much better lol

Kudo's to the educated palates in the room. Mine was not one of them. It was a kick to watch my drinkin buddy to the right take in the scents of them all. You could see him getting lost in some kind of wonderful memory.

Soooooo Here's to Jack Daniels, Real Friends, Fake Cheese, and Great Pussy! Because it is very clear after last night, that my Palates education did not make it past the 6th grade. Miss you Flower!


Maeve said...

Miss you too! Sounds like you had a great time!

Lewis Wright said...

Looks like your drinking buddies arrived drunk; look at those outfits!