Saturday, July 7, 2007

The wheels on the bus go round and...

It's time to realize that the rental car is going away soon (1 week) Sooooo time to figure out the bus system here. There are vague maps online and benches with advertising on them but no bus signs. I gave the city bus number a call and as usual was greeted by a very happy person eager to help. After chatting with this gentleman for about 20 min. I found out that the bus going to my "potential new job" 7 miles from here 11 min. by car. will take 90 min. BUT the ride home is only 30 min. i also learned that the benches really exist to hold advertising and are not meant to be specific stops for the bus. WHY? The bus system operates on the "flag down system" should you ever be walking around and get tired. Just wave at a bus and they will stop and pick you up! HOW CUTE IS THAT!

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