Thursday, June 7, 2007

rootbeer - moonpies - lost and found

okay time ticking down must get everything packed tomorrow and hopefully everything that needs to be sold sold!

Today was unique-

June 6th and Wyoming got 8 inches of snow today.

I found a wallet I lost 1 year and 11 months ago. Whooo Hooo + $24.00 hey that's a half a tank of gas! Pure Gold I tell ya!!!

The yang of that is that I somehow misplaced the paperwork for the car that gets sold tomorrow. I'm sure I'll find the paperwork packed away somewhere grruuummphhhh!

I'll need to make arrangemens to pick up the car a day earlier so i can get it packed. too much heavy stuff and i need to know how much will fit in the trunk.
Kitties will be free range in the back seat (of course they will have access to their carriers) so that just the passenger seat and trunk for my stuff. I know I'll be shoving books under the seats, wont it be fun to drive all those books back and forget all about them... NO!

Tomorrow WILL be very very productive!!!

Notice how I didn't mention anything in the title ???

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