Friday, June 1, 2007

It's really starting to happen!

Oh Wow! It's amazing what life hands you and how you choose to react to it. All the signs of life are telling me it's time to start the second half out of California.

Things I Gotta Do!

1.Finish Packing the Garage in 3,4,5 big boxes(It grows every day)and fed-ex my life to my new home. (1 box packed)

2. Find an apartment (In progress)

3. Get a Job (In Progress)

4. Sell the car DONE! The guy that bought it said the engine was kept up so well that it could actually run another 100,000 miles (From your lips to my Daddies ears)

5. Find a home for the couch, Paul Bunyon Bed, Desk, and Dresser

6. Consider buying a pet cow and naming it Buttwidth.

6. Ect...Ect...ECT

Arrrgh! alot to do and only 10 days to do it.

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