Monday, March 30, 2009

Wyoming- Home of Great.... Cat

Thought this was cute.. had to do it!

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And somehow we survived!

Yesterday called for an all out blizzard following a beautiful day of 69 as a high. The news reports were so strong that by mid-morning schools sent the kids home early and a 300 mile stretch of highway was closed.

Ummm relative to the wacky Wyoming weather that we can get at times, yesterday was not much. Later in the night the skies gave us some 60mph winds with some in your face up your nose snow but besides that everyone survived and the squirrels are out humping on the windy tree branches as I type. (must be all the bananas I've been feeding them :0)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wyoming Weather

Yesterday was 68 degrees and Beeeeeeeautiful!


A Blizzard!
No flippin Joke! I freaked out when I lived in California and went on the web cams and saw it snowing sideways out here. Now that I live here, it's just expected.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cowboy Breakfast

A Counsel On Oats...

A tough, old cowboy once counseled his grandson that if he wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gunpowder on his oatmeal every morning.

The grandson did this religiously and lived to the age of 110.

He left four children, 20 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren, 10
great great grandchildren and a 50 foot hole where the crematorium used to be.

After hearing this I chose to replace the gunpowder with brown sugar and blueberries :0)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Proof I Belong in Wyoming

There is no doubt that things are a bit different here than they are beach side in The "O.C."
but I never thought hiccups could be different.

Let's think about this, it's actually very obvious.


[hik-uhp, -uhp] noun, verb, -cuped or -cupped, -cup⋅ing or -cup⋅ping. –noun
1. a quick, involuntary inhalation that follows a spasm of the diaphragm and is suddenly checked by closure of the glottis, producing a short, relatively sharp sound.
2. Usually, hiccups. the condition of having such spasms: She got the hiccups just as she began to speak.

The first part of Hiccup is HIC The only Hics in the "O.C." are ummm TOURISTS!
Hiccups in the "O.C" can sometimes sound funny or cute. Not so lucky here in Podunk USA

I have now discovered that a Hiccup here is Hic Town is completely different. Just for the sake of this story let's say that the tooth I had pulled last week was a front tooth and not a back side tooth (Are you getting the visual?) Now think of a cute hiccup, one of yours or one as defined above. Now ad a burp to it. Yes I said a burp! It seems that now, I no longer can just hiccup its more of a Hiccurp.
Just for vanity sake let's try and solve the problem. I can try and keep my mouth closed for the burping part of the hiccup but now imagine the last time someone "blew a burp at you"

So 20 years from now when I'm much older and have lost more teeth (let's say every other one in front) and I'm not "partial to keeping my partials in" I will be sitting around and all of a sudden I'll get the Hiccurps but I'll try and hide it from those I'm sitting close to so... They'll hear me chirp with maybe a little hop in my seat (as standard hiccups cause you to do) BUT THEN....
no longer being able to hold the Urp part of the process in, the air slowly leaks out of my mouth through my remaining teeth to greet those closest to me. What a lovely thought!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Perfect Words Perfect Timing

When checking in on my Favorite Bartender I found this:

Just for My Flower that I miss so much.

*Heavy Sigh*
Another St. Patty's day is coming up and I have no flower here to help me drink my whiskey soup.
And just because you asked my flower, my week hasn't gotten much better.
I'm chalking it up to PMS.
I feel irritable and restless.
I have the attention span of a flea.
Maybe I'll go clean something.

(I'm the Flower) anyway this blogged hug came at the perfect time. A few hours after I read this I was due at the dental clinic. Now, not having insurance and having to rely on a dental clinic made me a bit apprehensive. This was to be my second visit and I was having to go because I lost a big crown and filling that cost me 2 Grand 4 years ago at the "Dental Spa" in Laguna Hills.
well since all they really do at the clinic is clean teeth do amalgam fillings and pull teeth My options were very limited. So I increased my "Hic Potential" by one and decided to have it pulled. Grrrrrrr....

The Clinic is at the local college and is actually really nice. The instructor that came over before the procedure was extremely funny and that made everything better. I asked what I should expect and she said "It's really not a big deal" "It's a big deal to you because you don't know the procedure, but trust me it's not a big deal"

"First the Dr. will check and make sure your are numbed up really good and he'll probably give you a few more shots just in case (Which he did) Then he has a tool that looks like a FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER and he will get up under the tooth and yank it out. You'll feel a lot of pressure but no pain"

Ummmm maybe you shouldn't of told me that!

So all during the process the Dr. was grabbing and twisting and turning. I had my eyes closed, for a moment I could swear he kicked off his shoes and crawled up in the chair had his foot on my chin for leverage, but I'm sure that didn't happen.

So I'm feeling
A lot of pressure A LOT of pressure so I go to my "happy place" WHISKEY SOUP!

While I'm feeling all this pressure and he keeps calling out for different tools
My brain keeps repeating the same Mantra
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Soup
and I remember back to the time when I first went over to my favorite flowers house for St. Patricks Dinner (Before I had to work a graveyard shift) and well, the whiskey didn't exactly burn off in the cooking process so I was a bit tipsy and had to sober up before going to work.
More Pressure More Pressure MORE PRESSURE!!!

DAMN Maybe the tooth just wants to stay where it is!

My Brain takes over and comes back to the Mantra
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Soup
Whiskey Shots! Whiskey Shots! Whiskey Shots!

Okay tooth, you can let go now, you've been hanging around for 46 years and chewed on a heck of a lot, maybe it's time to retire.
"Let go tooth"
Just let go tooth...
and with a pop it was out.
Doc. Shoved some padding in my mouth and had me sit up
I waved him closer to me
and he says "what"
I finally get him close and I say with a very numb mouth.
"jew shaf jer head"...

He seems confused and I rub his head he turns bright red and says nobody has ever done that to my shaf hed before.

Just an average day at the dentist office.

Thanks for the memories Flower... I miss you so much.

I think I skip the soup and go straight for the Jameson tonight!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sometimes I miss my sanity

So yesterday, "talent" decides she's hungry and needs to go get something to eat from the local burger chain. Very nicely she inquires if I'm hungry. I actually am but I'm not to fond of the food chain out here. I loved in in California but it just does not translate out here. I give in.... I'M HUNGRY! So I go grab some money and "talent" says "nope it's on me" WOW! What a nice surprise! I write down my order and she says "Have you ever seen the woman that works there that has a beard?" I said no, "I've only been there once and the woman had overalls and was having a really bad hair day."

Talent says "Hmm I wonder if this is the same woman. The woman I'm talking about has a really really smelly crotch"

Moral of the story... It may be free, but wow, it's gonna cost you one way or another.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Strange Days

It's March 4th in Wyoming and it will be 65 Degrees Today. March is usually our Snowiest Month and it's beyond beautiful and warm outside. Very Strange!

Today I was in the morning meeting and my Boss was going over ads that need to be built for the paper. With our current "talent" it's best that we just borrow advertisers from other papers with ads already built so we don't have to go through the drama that our current "talent" creates... or so I thought. This other paper emailed the ad copy and pdf to our "talent" over a week ago and she forwarded it to me. The boss asked her today if that ad was completed and she said "waiting for the ad copy" I reminded her that we received it last week and that she had forwarded me a copy... she said "No" I went back to my computer and confirmed "YES"! and she then said "Well you need to forward it back to me so I can do it.

I clarified- "So you have the PDF and the paperwork and you need me to send back the the PDF email you sent me, which is the one you already have.

The Talent Speaks "Yes of course"

Isn't it amazing how the people who are willing to work don't have jobs now and this one that has a job finds a way not to work. Now that's TALENT!

The picture shown is "Waitress demonstrating how waitress should not act in front of customers" (If you ask me she'll get better tips if she does act like that!)
Location: Wichita, KS, US
Date taken: April 1947
Photographer: George Skadding